Compliance Framework and Reporting Guidelines

The purpose of the review of the Commission's Compliance Framework and Reporting Guidelines, and Statement of Approach on Compliance is to strengthen the Commission's approach to compliance, consistent with practices in other Australian jurisdictions.

Status: final

  1. Initiate
  2. Draft
  3. Consultation
  4. Final

The final Compliance Framework and Reporting Guidelines commenced 1 February 2016.

Service area:
Electricity, Water and Sewerage
01 Jun 2015

The Statement of Approach on Compliance was released in 2012. It outlined the Commission’s program for monitoring compliance with electricity laws, rules and regulations. It contains the Commission’s risk assessment methodology, monitoring and reporting mechanisms, and enforcement options in response to regulatory breaches. It is applicable to all regulated entities (including independent power producers), and is intended to supplement a regulated entities’ compliance processes to ensure compliance with the regulatory framework.

In September 2015, the draft Compliance Framework and Reporting Guidelines were released. They include a requirement for annual compliance reporting, additional information on the reporting of material compliance breaches and an annual declaration from the Board of Directors of each business as a vehicle for elevating the importance of compliance. The guidelines have been developed in line with national practices and practices in other Australian jurisdictions.

In 2016, the Statement of Approach on Compliance was amalgamated with the Compliance Framework and Reporting Guidelines.

Related documents


Commission's Statement of Approach on Compliance


Draft for Consultation Compliance Framework and Reporting Guidelines​


Jacana Energy submission

Power and Water Corporation submission

Territory Generation submission


Compliance Framework and Reporting Guidelines

Summary of Responses to Submissions