The ports access and pricing regime places certain obligations on the Commission in regards to reporting.
By 1 December each year, the Commission is required to report to the Minister on any material instances of non-compliance by the private port operator with the Access Policy or determinations made by the Commission. The Minister must table the report in the Legislative Assembly.
Since 2019, the Commission has published an annual Price Monitoring Report to provide a summary to port users, industry and stakeholders of standard charges for prescribed services at the Port of Darwin. The report also provides a summary of the revenue received by the private port operator for prescribed services.
The regime requires the Commission to periodically review the access and pricing regime and deliver a report to the Minister. The review assesses the need for and effectiveness of the regime, and whether the Commission recommends any changes. Any subsequent amendments to the regime is purely a decision for Government and Parliament. The first review was due in November 2018, three years after the commencement of the regime. All subsequent reviews are required to be completed every five years.
Further information on the reports is available at: