Submissions received on the Electricity Retail Supply Code Positions Paper
On 5 May 2017, the Utilities Commission released its Positions Paper on proposed amendments to the Electricity Retail Supply Code made by Power and Water Corporation in May 2016 and sought submissions from interested stakeholders.
Proposed amendments to the Electricity Retail Supply Code Positions Paper
The Utilities Commission has released its Positions Paper on proposed amendments to the Electricity Retail Supply Code made by Power and Water Corporation in May 2016.
Review of Power and Water Corporation’s Compliance with the 2014 Network Price Determination
In February 2016, the Commission was made aware through discussions with Jacana Energy of a possible breach by Power and Water Corporation (PWC) of the 2014 Network Price Determination (NPD) in relation to standard network connections.
Request for Submissions on Guaranteed Service Level Code and Electricity Standards of Service Code
The Utilities Commission of the Northern Territory (Commission) is reviewing the Electricity Standards of Service (ESS) Code (Appendix A) and the Guaranteed Service Level (GSL) Code (Appendix B) as it is obliged to ensure codes are relevant and effective.
Annual Compliance Report 2015-16
The Commission’s Compliance Framework and Reporting Guidelines include, among other things, a requirement for annual compliance reporting, and an annual declaration from the Board of Directors in the form of a Compliance Report to be submitted to the Commission by 31 August each year in relation to compliance during the immediately preceding financial year.
New Retail Electricity Pricing Order (effective 1 January 2017)
The retail electricity tariffs and charges are regulated by the Territory Government, via an Electricity Pricing Order issued by the Regulatory Minister. This pricing order applies to contestable customers using less than 750 MWh per annum.
New Retail Water and Sewerage Pricing Order (effective 1 January 2017)
Water and sewerage tariffs and charges are regulated by the Territory Government via a Water and Sewerage Pricing Order issued by the Regulatory Minister.