Consultation: Application for Generation Licence – Airport Development Group Pty Ltd
The Commission has received an application from Airport Development Group Pty Ltd as required by Section 14 of the Electricity Reform Act (the Act), for a licence to generate electricity in accordance with Section 21 of the Act.
Consultation: Application for Generation Licence - Katherine Solar Pty Ltd
On 2 November 2017, the Utilities Commission commenced public consultation and sought submissions from interested stakeholders on an application from Katherine Solar Pty Ltd for a licence to generate electricity in accordance with Section 21 of the Act.
Consultation: Application for Electricity Retail Licence - Next Business Energy Pty Ltd
The Commission has received an application from Next Business Energy Pty Ltd as required by Section 14 of the Electricity Reform Act (the Act), for a licence to sell electricity in accordance with Section 23 of the Act.
Consultation: Application for Generation Licence - Katherine Solar Pty Ltd
The Commission has received an application from Katherine Solar Pty Ltd as required by Section 14 of the Electricity Reform Act (the Act), for a licence to generate electricity in accordance with Section 21 of the Act.
Technical Audit and Spinning Reserve Review of PWC and T-Gen
PWC Technical Audit 2017: Follow Up From the 2014 Audit reports on an audit of PWC (System Control Chapter 2 and Networks Chapter 4) and Territory Generation Chapter 3. The audit had a particular focus on improvements made since the system black in 2014.
2016-17 Utilities Commission Annual Report
The 2016-17 Utilities Commission Annual Report is now available to download.
Changes to Tariffs for Prescribed Services for the Port of Darwin
The private port operator, Darwin Port Operations Pty Ltd (DPO) sets tariffs for the standard charges for prescribed services that it provides to port users.
Proposed Code: Request for submissions on Guaranteed Service level and Electricity Standards of Service Codes
The Utilities Commission has released a proposed code, updating the Guaranteed Service level (GSL) and Electricity Standards of Service (ESS) Codes.
Power System Review 2015-16
The Utilities Commission (the Commission) has released the 2015-16 Power System Review. On an annual basis, the Commission is required by the Electricity Reform Act to prepare a Power System Review that reports on power system performance and capacity for the Darwin-Katherine, Alice Springs and Tennant Creek power systems.
Access Policy Approved and Final Decision Released
In late 2015 the Northern Territory Government leased the Port of Darwin to a private port operator. As part of this lease arrangement, the Government introduced a regulatory regime that requires the private port operator to establish an Access Policy.