Consultation: Application for Generation Licence - Infigen Energy NT Solar Pty Ltd
The Commission has received an application from Infigen Energy NT Solar Pty Ltd as required by Section 14 of the Electricity Reform Act (the Act), for a licence to generate electricity in accordance with Section 21 of the Act.
2017 Port of Darwin Comparative Report and 2017 Port of Darwin Price Benchmarking Report Released
The Ports Management Act requires the Utilities Commission to complete a review of the Northern Territory ports access and pricing regime by 15 November 2018. To inform this review the Commission completed a comparative report of annual reporting information about the operational activities of the Port of Darwin for the previous four years.
Consultation: Submission Received for Generation Licence - Katherine Solar Pty Ltd
The Commission received an application from Katherine Solar Pty Ltd for a licence to generate electricity in accordance with Section 21 of the Electricity Reform Act.
Consultation: Submission Received for Generation Licence – Airport Development Group Pty Ltd
The Commission received an application from Airport Development Group Pty Ltd (ADG) for a licence to generate electricity in accordance with Section 21 of the Electricity Reform Act.