Port of Darwin changes to standard charges for prescribed services
Darwin Port Operations Pty Ltd increased its standard charges for prescribed services by 2% on 1 July 2021, with the exception of port induction fees, which remained the same.
Consultation - Generation licence application - EDL Jabiru Pty Ltd
The Commission has received an application from EDL Jabiru Pty Ltd for a licence to generate electricity in accordance with the Electricity Reform Act 2000.
2020 Northern Territory Electricity Outlook Report
The Utilities Commission has published the 2020 Northern Territory Electricity Outlook Report.
2019-20 Northern Territory Power System Performance Review
The Utilities Commission has published the 2019-20 Northern Territory Power System Performance Review.
Consultation - Issues Paper - Electricity Retail Supply Code Review
The Commission has commenced a review of the Electricity Retail Supply Code to ensure its content and operation is of continued relevance and effectiveness for the electricity supply industry in the NT. The Commission has released an Issues Paper which outlines the scope of the review and seeks input from stakeholders to inform a draft revised Electricity Retail Supply Code.
Consultation - Review of Port of Darwin Reporting Guidelines
The Commission is reviewing the Port of Darwin Reporting Guidelines. The Reporting Guidelines set out the requirements in relation to annual reporting by the private port operator on compliance with the private port operator’s access policy.
Utilities Commission Strategic Plan 2022-24 and 2021-22 Priorities released
The Strategic Plan sets out the Commission’s strategy for 2021-22 to 2023-24 including its goals, and how these goals relate to the Commission’s primary objective and indicators of success, while the 2021-22 Priorities sets out what the Commission will focus on achieving over the next financial year.
Power and Water Corporation consultation - System Control Technical Code proposed amendments
On 17 May 2021, the Power and Water Corporation, in its capacity as the Power System Controller, released proposed amendments to the System Control Technical Code relating to power system incident reporting procedures for consultation.
Approval of Power and Water Corporation’s 2021-22 system control charges
The Commission has assessed and approved Power and Water Corporation’s 2021-22 system control charges to be applied by the power system controller from 1 July 2021.
2019-20 Northern Territory Electricity Retail Review
The Utilities Commission has published the 2019-20 Northern Territory Electricity Retail Review.