Licence application
The licence application process follows the indicative process shown below. The process can take up to six months, providing no issues arise and subject to stakeholder feedback.
An applicant is encouraged to contact the Commission at an early stage to understand any information requirements that may be relevant to the application.
The Electricity licensing application checklist, attachment list and declaration should be followed to ensure completeness.
If relevant to the proposed operation, an access agreement with the relevant network provider should be sought in parallel with the licence application.
In considering whether to grant a licence (or exemption), the Commission is required to have regard to factors which relate to promoting competition, efficiency and the interests of customers with respect to reliability and quality of services and supply while ensuring the financial viability of industry.
In granting a licence, the Commission must also be satisfied that the applicant is a suitable person to hold a licence and their operations are able to perform to the necessary standard for that type of operation. Considerations include the honesty and integrity of the dealings of an applicant and the financial, technical and human resources available to the applicant to carry out their operations.
The Commission will undertake a public consultation as part of its assessment. The Commission may seek advice from stakeholders and suitably qualified consultants where it is deemed necessary. Applicants should clearly indicate information that could affect the competitive position of a licensed entity or other person, or is commercially sensitive for some other reason. This information will be considered as confidential, and will not be shared by the Commission.
Related documents
Electricity licensing application checklist, attachment list and declaration